Sump Pumps, Articles & More Information
At Drainage Pros, we provide and install only the highest quality commercial sump pumps that are built tough to last for years of reliable and dependable use. What causes a sump pump to fail? Great question!
Sump pumps typically fail for one of the following main reasons:
1 - The sump pump has a plastic housing and is a poor quality pump.
2 - The sump pit was incorrectly designed or installed in the first place.
3 - Electrical issues are affecting the performance or fail during a load.
4 - The sump pump is Improperly sized for the sump pit location.
5 - Improperly sized sump pit, discharge pipe and or location. It is often all
three of these are part of the problem especially when it is a poorly
designed and installed drainage system.
6 - Dirt and or debris are clogging the sump pump or hindering the float switch.
7 - Sump pump has an independent float that has failed or won't work.
Of course, there can be other factors that may affect your sump pump and it's performance but these typically are the main reasons we find that a sump pump has failed to perform. Please call Drainage Pros today to schedule a Service Call or a Site Inspection by one of our professionally trained specialists to evaluate and correct your sump pump problem. Drainage Pros is licensed and insured, we specialize in eliminating and effectively correcting all of your unwanted sump pump problems. As always, Drainage Pros is committed to delivering you quick and reliable service while providing you anticipated and expected results. Specializing in Surface & Subsurface Drainage Systems - Wet Crawlspace Problems & Smells - Wet Basements - Water in Basement - Permanent Reliable Drainage Repairs
Schedule a Service Call today for us to service, replace or repair any and all of your
San Francisco Bay Area sump pump problems.
Drainage Pros, Results Guaranteed!
Call now 925-932-5250
Articles & More Info

$ 1,249.00 Installed* CLICK FOR MORE INFO *Web Special* Includes Service Call Fee - we clean your existing sump pit (<6' deep) prior replacing the sump pump. Cost depends upon depth & location of the sump pit. This is the basic cost to replace an existing Zoeller M53 sump pump using the existing GFI plug. GFI plug will be verified when installing pump on site. Costs increase if your site needs require an upgrade to a larger sump pump. Sump pump comes with a 3 Year Manufacturer's Warranty.

$ 1,479.00 Installed* CLICK FOR MORE INFO *Web Special* Includes Service Call Fee - we clean your existing sump pit (<6' deep) prior replacing the sump pump. Cost depends upon depth & location of the sump pit. This is the basic cost to replace an existing Zoeller M98 sump pump using the existing GFI plug. GFI plug will be verified when installing pump on site. Costs increase if your site needs require an upgrade to a larger sump pump. Sump pump comes with a 3 Year Manufacturer's Warranty.

$ 1789.00 Installed* CLICK FOR MORE INFO *Web Special* Includes Service Call Fee - we clean your existing sump pit (<6' deep) prior replacing the sump pump. Cost depends upon depth & location of the sump pit. This is the basic cost to replace an existing Zoeller 267 sump pump using the existing GFI plug. GFI plug will be verified when installing pump on site. Costs increase if your site needs require an upgrade to a larger sump pump. Sump pump comes with a 3 Year Manufacturer's Warranty.

$ 1,579.00 Each Installed* CLICK FOR MORE INFO *Web Special* *Requires dedicated circuit & working electrical supply which typically runs an additional $ 1,125.00 - $1,565.00. This will be site verified prior to installation. Does not include shipping & tax if purchased separately. This is a commercial quality exterior high water alarm to alert you if & when your sump pump is not working.

$ 1,289.00 Each Installed includes LV wiring from pit to alarm location in garage & float switch* CLICK FOR MORE INFO *Web Special* Service Call Fee may apply depending upon location. Additional costs may be added if the pump location is more than 60' from the install location on your property. If you don't have an available plug in the garage or basement & if any hardscaping needs to be removed and or replaced for installation. Price does not include shipping & tax if purchased separately.

This is your GFI which trips sometimes during the season for one reason or another. This should be tested monthly by pressing the TEST BUTTON. RESET by pushing the RESET BUTTON. NOTE-If your sump pump is not working this is where we would start. These can fail and go out from time to time but it is not that common unless there is a problem with the sump pump or possible the GFI plug or breaker.